Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Memoirs of a Geisha

five out of ten

This movie was a clear cut fifty/fifty for me. Part of me liked it. The women are beautiful and graceful. The clothing and sets are fascinating and you really can't get enough.


Geishas are high class prostitutes. Sure they don't sleep with all their customers but when they do sleep... its with money. To do so for love, like Hatsumomo did is a crime punished by house arrest as the movie showed. This movie attempted to make such a life glamorous. This movie also attempted to make it seem legitimate that a girl of 8 can fall in love with a 40 something married man and there is nothing gross or sick about the fact that they end up together. First of all, he's married. Second of all she fell in love with him at eight. eight. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. Yuck!

I read the book about seven years ago and it was realllllly good. A page turner that put you in the mind of the Sari. It was GREAT and you understood the thought processes.

This movie was an attempt to make a fairy tale epic. It did that. If you choose not to be troubled by thins such as the fact that Hatsumomo is probably not that bad but a product of the society that molded her..... and other superficial "details" really.... then its a good movie.

Like I said. both good and bad. fifty fifty.