Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Invention of Lying

three out of ten

A good concept. A place where no one lies because it has not been invented yet. We follow a loser who learns how to lie and the results are what the movie is about. It sounds interesting but there were so many logic holes I could not properly enjoy it. An example is a 'funny' scene where the hero says he wants to withdraw $800 when he knows he only has $300. Because no one lies, the teller sees he only has $300 but presumes the machine must be broken and gives him $800. Huh? So no one makes mistakes or miscalculates in this world? It's not a lie if you make a mistake. There were other things that just didn't ring as they should have. Gervais did good with the Office, too bad he can't write or act in a funny movie.