Monday, April 11, 2005
| Terminal
Basic story plotline, a man from a fictional land gets stranded at the JFK airport for about 9 months where he befriends the staff, learns English, pisses the airport comission chief off, and eventually has a happily ever after tale.... The idea of the story is very good particulary since its the story based on a real life situation Merhan Karimi Nasseri whoendured living in the Charles De Gualle Paris airport for ten years because he had no choice, and now over 20 years later still endures because he knows nothing else at this point... Unlike Tom Hank's character, Nasserri has slowly gone from a psychologist to crossing the brink of insanity as he sits in the airport for over 20 years... I guess this story is Merhan Nasseri's "daydreams-coming-true" movie. Things happen that can only happen in fantasy land such as the entry guard gets an engagement ring from a man she doesnt know and they run off (this guy she doesnt know) to the airport chapel and get married, and somehow she has a wedding dress on hand and they run through the terminal in an airport cart. It's these sorts of utter rifts with reality that really hurt the movie for me. 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | 07:53 PM |
| Office Space
This movie ROCKS. It's the type of movie you buy so you can watch certain scenes over and over again because those jokes will never get old. Very Very Very Funny! 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | 04:34 PM |
| Spanglish
For the record, if perhaps Tea Leoni had not played Adam Sandler's wife I would give this movie at least an 8, but she was so terrible, it was enough to drop it a point.... It's usually the movies with no expectations that I typically end up liking the most, this movie was no exception. I loved it enough to forgive it its faults. The movie centers around two families whose lives converge. One, a Mexican single mother who speaks no English and her young daughter whom she lives for, The other a complete little family with mom, dad, a boy and a girl and a grandmother who all live for themselves. Their lives converge and the drama unfolds. The movie deals with temptation, childhood and adult insecurity. But most particulary the movie discusses how different cultures view child rearing particularly the pull of assimilation versus the desire to keep your child true to their culture.. Perhaps because I'm a minority this particular story line affected me more than it may others. I also liked the story line dealing with infidelity. I dont know how else to describe it except that its probably something many people deal with, and so it was very touching, very real. I may be wrong because (alhamdullilah) I havent dealt with this, but the motives and the choices all seemed very realistic. All in all, worth a rent! 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | 03:22 PM |
Thursday, April 07, 2005
| Sideways
I was pretty excited about Sideways since it looked like "The little Indie Flick that Could" becaues it got itself nominated for five Academy Awards. Plus I adore character driven movies. Now yes, I'll give you this: 1. The last thirty minutes were WONDERFUL. Particularly the part at the wedding and saw Victoria and found out she was pregnant. He displayed such good emotions that I was moved.... so can't balme the acting. 2. The analogies of him to a Pino Wine was very nice and tender. 1. SLOW SLOW SLOW 2. I didn't feel for the playboy character. When he burst into tears cuz he couldnt lose Kristen, I kept thinking, HOW did he get nominated for best supporting actor/actor? 3. And once again SLOW SLOW SLOW... how much wine sipping can one take? Monday, April 04, 2005
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Thursday, March 31, 2005