Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Da Vinci Code

one out of ten

This movie could simply be a victim of our own anticipation. Kashif and I had both read Davinci Code, we both love Tom Hanks who was starring in it and we just knew that this was going to the absolute bestest movie ever.

Yeah... not exactly.

The reason we thought this movie would rock is that the book was written practically like it was a script. Like Dan Brown just KNEW someone would be picking this baby up and turning it into a movie. It read well when you thought of it that way so we thought, how much better could it be doing what it was designed to do.

The problem is that the movie has a sense of urgency to it. As did the book.(for a summary click here) However in an effort to condense a fairly lengthy book into a two and a half hour movie they have urgency and thriller plot line paired with the introduction of controversial topics of whether Jesus was divine or not. This combination leads to absurd unbelievable scenes.

Sophie: They are framing you for murder!!!!! I will set a decoy and then we have FIVE minutes to escape, RUN RUN RUN.... oh wait let me say bye to grandfather and say "oh no" in a stoic manner for roughly two minutes because if I say it enough the audience will believe I am sad.
Tom: Hey I know I'm falsely accused of murder but let me look at this crumpled paper by his hand..... oh wow
Sophie: What is it? What is it?
Tom: Well this is the blankety blank theorum. It was originated in 1,000 BC...
Sophie: How terribly interesting! *as I lay before my passed grandfather who was murdered in cold blood and police sirens wail in the distance after us nevertheless in utter rapture because I have nothing better to do right now.
Tom: Oh yes, this may be a clue, let's stroll through the Louvre and see what we find
Sophie: Oh yippie like a scavenger hunt, please teach me about the paintings as we walk.

Folks is that realistic? Do people being chased for false murder charges who finally get a rare break out actually stop to discuss history and solve puzzles. Doesnt instinct take over to GET THE HECK OUT OF THERE? Sheesh. Truly befuddling.

I didn't think the book was terribly well written but it was a fun read with interesting new concepts. If it were me, read the book, save your money and precious time for now and check it out when its on rental.