Friday, November 10, 2006


seven out of ten

One of the few times in recent memory that I have seen a movie on opening night. I forgot how exciting it can be! One guy even came dressed as Borat!

The movie was funny and got the laughs that I thought it would. What I really liked about it was that though he was an idiot and offensive in every way, you knew that he was fictional. Yet the sad part was the unaware people he filmed? They thought he was a real person and gave him the most bigoted and hypocritical responses I ever heard. In some ways Borat showed that when he came to the US he ddnt necessarily find people who were all more refined than his native country, just a little less obvious. But for some the bigotry was bured just steps below the surface. I think for this reason Borat is an intelligent film but I dont know how many saw this message or how many simply laughed at the stunts. I think more dd the latter because at one point n the move there is a very inapproprate lewd scene between the two men which I DID NOT NEED TO SEE. But that is what got the most laughs. f that part had been edted out this would have been at least a 9.5 on my review scale.

I recommend it but only if you can handle some lewdness or have the quickness to avoid it by coverng your eyes when it comes up. Note: ts when he's getting out of the shower! 'nuff said!