Saturday, December 30, 2006
Eid Mubarak
I pray this Eid is fulfilling for you, surrounded by loved ones and loving- and for those at Hajj as I type these words, may they remain safe, reaching the spiritual ascent they desire. Ameen
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
five out of ten
Adam Sandler plays an overworked overambitious architect on the path to making partner at his firm. He discovers a remote which can zip him over the tough or boring parts of his life to get him to the good times. However this process results in him losing precious moments of his life and those he loves dearly. This movie had great potential. The concept is great. Unfortunately it tanks in a most awful manner. Adam Sandler in my opinion can only play a certain type of role such as the sort he played in Big Daddy, or Billy Madison (though he did a decent job in Spanglish). Click was not a movie that he acted well in at all. The entire time I couldn't help but think that an actor such as Jim Carrey would be much better suited to play the role.
Aside from Adam Sandler's acting the plot was unsure of itself. It began as a comedy and then somewhere along the way took a different turn. I won't deny the movie's message is a good one, and there were some scenes that were definitely touching with strong messages. However, overall, if I was to watch this movie again, I'd be watching with my very own "click" and fast forwarding it along.
Adam Sandler plays an overworked overambitious architect on the path to making partner at his firm. He discovers a remote which can zip him over the tough or boring parts of his life to get him to the good times. However this process results in him losing precious moments of his life and those he loves dearly. This movie had great potential. The concept is great. Unfortunately it tanks in a most awful manner. Adam Sandler in my opinion can only play a certain type of role such as the sort he played in Big Daddy, or Billy Madison (though he did a decent job in Spanglish). Click was not a movie that he acted well in at all. The entire time I couldn't help but think that an actor such as Jim Carrey would be much better suited to play the role.
Aside from Adam Sandler's acting the plot was unsure of itself. It began as a comedy and then somewhere along the way took a different turn. I won't deny the movie's message is a good one, and there were some scenes that were definitely touching with strong messages. However, overall, if I was to watch this movie again, I'd be watching with my very own "click" and fast forwarding it along.
Talladega Night- The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
six point five out of ten
Will Farrell plays Ricky Bobby in this race car comedy following a race car driver who struggles to make it back to the top after a spiraling fall down. When this movie was playing in theaters the only reason I did not see it right away was timing issues with friends. I am quite glad I waited for it come out on video. Though it had it certainly had some funny moments it was overall a relatively mediocre comedy with jokes that grew tired as they reincarnated in slightly different variations throughout the duration of the movie. I think this movie would appeal more to an early twenties crew in a large group giddy on a lot of coffee. To put it another way, you'd have to be in the mood and with the right group of people to fully enjoy this movie.
Will Farrell plays Ricky Bobby in this race car comedy following a race car driver who struggles to make it back to the top after a spiraling fall down. When this movie was playing in theaters the only reason I did not see it right away was timing issues with friends. I am quite glad I waited for it come out on video. Though it had it certainly had some funny moments it was overall a relatively mediocre comedy with jokes that grew tired as they reincarnated in slightly different variations throughout the duration of the movie. I think this movie would appeal more to an early twenties crew in a large group giddy on a lot of coffee. To put it another way, you'd have to be in the mood and with the right group of people to fully enjoy this movie.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
eight out of ten
If you've seen Crash then this movie is best described as an "international Crash" See how two wealthy Americans, A Morrocan shephard and his family, a Japanese tycoon and his deaf daughter, and an illegal Mexican nanny are all more connected than even they realize.
The movie follows all the stories and each one is inspiring and each story for the most part is well told and well acted. The issue I had with the film is that though all interconnected the Japanese theme was not as closely connected as the others were. The oversexualized Japanese girl and hr scenes made the movie no longer a movie I could recommend to anyone and everyone, but now a movie that I must caution contains extreme full frontal nudity. And is not brief nudity. So be warned about that. Infact if that story line was not there at all this was a ten out of ten movie for me.
I just loved the story and its message. About how it showed that we are all one people. How there is goodness in everybody and how sometimes the choices that we seem to not understand are sometimes incomprehensible to the people themselves but more are usually still well meaning and well intentioned.
It addressed stereotypes against Muslims and against Mexicans. And it showed a different view point. A view point I am aware of but many Americans are not.
I've read some negative reviews who say this movie beats you over the head. I dont think it does. I think people are angry aout the message because it shows people in a humane manner who the media wants us to see as one dimensional beings. But no one is one dimensional.
This movie explores this brilliantly.
If you've seen Crash then this movie is best described as an "international Crash" See how two wealthy Americans, A Morrocan shephard and his family, a Japanese tycoon and his deaf daughter, and an illegal Mexican nanny are all more connected than even they realize.
The movie follows all the stories and each one is inspiring and each story for the most part is well told and well acted. The issue I had with the film is that though all interconnected the Japanese theme was not as closely connected as the others were. The oversexualized Japanese girl and hr scenes made the movie no longer a movie I could recommend to anyone and everyone, but now a movie that I must caution contains extreme full frontal nudity. And is not brief nudity. So be warned about that. Infact if that story line was not there at all this was a ten out of ten movie for me.
I just loved the story and its message. About how it showed that we are all one people. How there is goodness in everybody and how sometimes the choices that we seem to not understand are sometimes incomprehensible to the people themselves but more are usually still well meaning and well intentioned.
It addressed stereotypes against Muslims and against Mexicans. And it showed a different view point. A view point I am aware of but many Americans are not.
I've read some negative reviews who say this movie beats you over the head. I dont think it does. I think people are angry aout the message because it shows people in a humane manner who the media wants us to see as one dimensional beings. But no one is one dimensional.
This movie explores this brilliantly.
Friday, November 10, 2006
seven out of ten
One of the few times in recent memory that I have seen a movie on opening night. I forgot how exciting it can be! One guy even came dressed as Borat!
The movie was funny and got the laughs that I thought it would. What I really liked about it was that though he was an idiot and offensive in every way, you knew that he was fictional. Yet the sad part was the unaware people he filmed? They thought he was a real person and gave him the most bigoted and hypocritical responses I ever heard. In some ways Borat showed that when he came to the US he ddnt necessarily find people who were all more refined than his native country, just a little less obvious. But for some the bigotry was bured just steps below the surface. I think for this reason Borat is an intelligent film but I dont know how many saw this message or how many simply laughed at the stunts. I think more dd the latter because at one point n the move there is a very inapproprate lewd scene between the two men which I DID NOT NEED TO SEE. But that is what got the most laughs. f that part had been edted out this would have been at least a 9.5 on my review scale.
I recommend it but only if you can handle some lewdness or have the quickness to avoid it by coverng your eyes when it comes up. Note: ts when he's getting out of the shower! 'nuff said!
One of the few times in recent memory that I have seen a movie on opening night. I forgot how exciting it can be! One guy even came dressed as Borat!
The movie was funny and got the laughs that I thought it would. What I really liked about it was that though he was an idiot and offensive in every way, you knew that he was fictional. Yet the sad part was the unaware people he filmed? They thought he was a real person and gave him the most bigoted and hypocritical responses I ever heard. In some ways Borat showed that when he came to the US he ddnt necessarily find people who were all more refined than his native country, just a little less obvious. But for some the bigotry was bured just steps below the surface. I think for this reason Borat is an intelligent film but I dont know how many saw this message or how many simply laughed at the stunts. I think more dd the latter because at one point n the move there is a very inapproprate lewd scene between the two men which I DID NOT NEED TO SEE. But that is what got the most laughs. f that part had been edted out this would have been at least a 9.5 on my review scale.
I recommend it but only if you can handle some lewdness or have the quickness to avoid it by coverng your eyes when it comes up. Note: ts when he's getting out of the shower! 'nuff said!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
eight point five out of ten
*** warning: spoilers****
I liked the concept of Water and its storyline. I liked its subtlety, its almost "a day in the life of" feel. The story follows a child bride, 7 years old, whose husband dies before she even meets him. She is sent off to a convent for widows where she is to spend the rest of her days in it. The actors were not necessarily particularly gripping save the widow Shakuntula who was the one widow who actually tried to create change. Upon researching the film I learned that the entire cast was recast from the original one because of the amount of time it took between riots over the film in India.
1) My family on my dad's side has been Muslim for about 600 years. That means before that we were most likely Hindu. That means that there is view likely an insensate of MINE who lived like this. Or threw herself upon the flames and died with her spouse. It was weird to watch it because it was a perspective that I guess papal whose family was in the revolutionary war and see such movies might feel a sense of "I can relate it" I could sort of relate to this. I wondered if someone who came before me, suffered in this way. It made it seem more real.
2) The subjugation of women and using religion as the means to do so she has no way to fight back lest she face the scorn of society is horrific and it upsets me off that this still occurs to this day. One main reason they did this according the movie was they did this so the woman would not factor in when the property disputes arose.
3) The little girl broke my heart. Such a beautiful little girl. And her life ruined. You look at those really old women. And you think. They were once chlorine and they grew old living here.
4) The prostitution was shocking. I could never imagine a convent for widows who are shunned from society to be a simultaneous brothel as well. I found it SOHO heartbreaking that one of the men who bought these women JUSTIFIED IT saying that it is a privilege for them to get to sleep with a brahaman caste man.
5) DID the little girl end up going to the home of narayan's father????? IS HE WHO RAPED HER? How could you rape a child? It broke my heart.
6) I am doing my term paper for my international human rights class on bride burning in India and one of the topics I'm discussing is child marriages. The reason child marriages are so common is b/c in India you have to pay the man a dowry of a sum of money an goods to marry your daughter. The younger the girl and the oilier the man, the less the dowry that needs to given. That is why there Ares many child brides. This practice has got to be stopped.
Anyways those are my thoughts on the movie. It was quite powerful. Very depressing. I can't belie it ages on to this day.
*** warning: spoilers****
I liked the concept of Water and its storyline. I liked its subtlety, its almost "a day in the life of" feel. The story follows a child bride, 7 years old, whose husband dies before she even meets him. She is sent off to a convent for widows where she is to spend the rest of her days in it. The actors were not necessarily particularly gripping save the widow Shakuntula who was the one widow who actually tried to create change. Upon researching the film I learned that the entire cast was recast from the original one because of the amount of time it took between riots over the film in India.
1) My family on my dad's side has been Muslim for about 600 years. That means before that we were most likely Hindu. That means that there is view likely an insensate of MINE who lived like this. Or threw herself upon the flames and died with her spouse. It was weird to watch it because it was a perspective that I guess papal whose family was in the revolutionary war and see such movies might feel a sense of "I can relate it" I could sort of relate to this. I wondered if someone who came before me, suffered in this way. It made it seem more real.
2) The subjugation of women and using religion as the means to do so she has no way to fight back lest she face the scorn of society is horrific and it upsets me off that this still occurs to this day. One main reason they did this according the movie was they did this so the woman would not factor in when the property disputes arose.
3) The little girl broke my heart. Such a beautiful little girl. And her life ruined. You look at those really old women. And you think. They were once chlorine and they grew old living here.
4) The prostitution was shocking. I could never imagine a convent for widows who are shunned from society to be a simultaneous brothel as well. I found it SOHO heartbreaking that one of the men who bought these women JUSTIFIED IT saying that it is a privilege for them to get to sleep with a brahaman caste man.
5) DID the little girl end up going to the home of narayan's father????? IS HE WHO RAPED HER? How could you rape a child? It broke my heart.
6) I am doing my term paper for my international human rights class on bride burning in India and one of the topics I'm discussing is child marriages. The reason child marriages are so common is b/c in India you have to pay the man a dowry of a sum of money an goods to marry your daughter. The younger the girl and the oilier the man, the less the dowry that needs to given. That is why there Ares many child brides. This practice has got to be stopped.
Anyways those are my thoughts on the movie. It was quite powerful. Very depressing. I can't belie it ages on to this day.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Match Point
eight out of ten
This is not your typical Woody Allen movie. And thankfully Woody Allen does not star in it. A former tennis pro who now trains the rich and spoiled befriends a wealthy student who takes him in as his own. His sister takes a liking to the tennis pro and he takes a liking for his friends fiancee. The movie takes off from there. If you want a suspenseful movie that keeps you at the edge of your seat this is your movie. Its an unexpected thriller you just cannot predict. I loved it and enjoyed each twist and turn. Upon retrospect though the reason I give it eight out of ten is I wish he did more to develop the characters and their motives and reasons for doing what they do. But still- its a good movie. And it makes you think.
This is not your typical Woody Allen movie. And thankfully Woody Allen does not star in it. A former tennis pro who now trains the rich and spoiled befriends a wealthy student who takes him in as his own. His sister takes a liking to the tennis pro and he takes a liking for his friends fiancee. The movie takes off from there. If you want a suspenseful movie that keeps you at the edge of your seat this is your movie. Its an unexpected thriller you just cannot predict. I loved it and enjoyed each twist and turn. Upon retrospect though the reason I give it eight out of ten is I wish he did more to develop the characters and their motives and reasons for doing what they do. But still- its a good movie. And it makes you think.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
V for Vendetta
nine point five out of ten
I REALLY like this movie. Though the concept of the film was developed in the 80's, far before the times we live in today, the correlations in the film and the world today is positively chilling.
I urge anyone with an open mind to watch this movie. It follows a girl living in a "1982/Big Brother World" many years into the future. As she is walking along minding her own business her life is changed forever by a chance encounter with some villians, and then saved by another... villain?
That is the question the movie explores. Who exactly is villainous?
Watch the movie and decide for yourself.
I REALLY like this movie. Though the concept of the film was developed in the 80's, far before the times we live in today, the correlations in the film and the world today is positively chilling.
I urge anyone with an open mind to watch this movie. It follows a girl living in a "1982/Big Brother World" many years into the future. As she is walking along minding her own business her life is changed forever by a chance encounter with some villians, and then saved by another... villain?
That is the question the movie explores. Who exactly is villainous?
Watch the movie and decide for yourself.
Monday, September 04, 2006
three out of ten
Prime could have been a good movie. A psychologist advises a 37 year old on her life and encourages her to pursue a relationship with a 21 year old boy who unbeknowest to her is her son. She is a strong Jewish woman who wants her son to marry a nice Jewish girl and certainly does not want him with a girl like her patient. And so the drama unfolds as the psychologist does not tell the girl that its her son, and thus you see funny awkward moments as the girl shares intimiate details that no one would share to their son's mother. Just wouldn't. The movie is trying to be bigger than it is. Its trying to be dialogue driven and deep. But the fact that they are trying makes it obvious and trite and throughly unenjoyable. They try to talk about race issues, and try to have a comical Jewish grandmother who faints when seeing her son date a black person... and it just.. isn't... funny. Its not because its politically incorrect. I usually love politically incorrect movies that go to the heart of issues that we don't talk about, BUT it was just that that sort of dialogue.. it just didn't *go* anywhere or lead to any sort of statement..... I dont know.
Maybe watch it when it plays on TBS... maybe.
Prime could have been a good movie. A psychologist advises a 37 year old on her life and encourages her to pursue a relationship with a 21 year old boy who unbeknowest to her is her son. She is a strong Jewish woman who wants her son to marry a nice Jewish girl and certainly does not want him with a girl like her patient. And so the drama unfolds as the psychologist does not tell the girl that its her son, and thus you see funny awkward moments as the girl shares intimiate details that no one would share to their son's mother. Just wouldn't. The movie is trying to be bigger than it is. Its trying to be dialogue driven and deep. But the fact that they are trying makes it obvious and trite and throughly unenjoyable. They try to talk about race issues, and try to have a comical Jewish grandmother who faints when seeing her son date a black person... and it just.. isn't... funny. Its not because its politically incorrect. I usually love politically incorrect movies that go to the heart of issues that we don't talk about, BUT it was just that that sort of dialogue.. it just didn't *go* anywhere or lead to any sort of statement..... I dont know.
Maybe watch it when it plays on TBS... maybe.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Memoirs of a Geisha
five out of ten
This movie was a clear cut fifty/fifty for me. Part of me liked it. The women are beautiful and graceful. The clothing and sets are fascinating and you really can't get enough.
Geishas are high class prostitutes. Sure they don't sleep with all their customers but when they do sleep... its with money. To do so for love, like Hatsumomo did is a crime punished by house arrest as the movie showed. This movie attempted to make such a life glamorous. This movie also attempted to make it seem legitimate that a girl of 8 can fall in love with a 40 something married man and there is nothing gross or sick about the fact that they end up together. First of all, he's married. Second of all she fell in love with him at eight. eight. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. Yuck!
I read the book about seven years ago and it was realllllly good. A page turner that put you in the mind of the Sari. It was GREAT and you understood the thought processes.
This movie was an attempt to make a fairy tale epic. It did that. If you choose not to be troubled by thins such as the fact that Hatsumomo is probably not that bad but a product of the society that molded her..... and other superficial "details" really.... then its a good movie.
Like I said. both good and bad. fifty fifty.
This movie was a clear cut fifty/fifty for me. Part of me liked it. The women are beautiful and graceful. The clothing and sets are fascinating and you really can't get enough.
Geishas are high class prostitutes. Sure they don't sleep with all their customers but when they do sleep... its with money. To do so for love, like Hatsumomo did is a crime punished by house arrest as the movie showed. This movie attempted to make such a life glamorous. This movie also attempted to make it seem legitimate that a girl of 8 can fall in love with a 40 something married man and there is nothing gross or sick about the fact that they end up together. First of all, he's married. Second of all she fell in love with him at eight. eight. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. Yuck!
I read the book about seven years ago and it was realllllly good. A page turner that put you in the mind of the Sari. It was GREAT and you understood the thought processes.
This movie was an attempt to make a fairy tale epic. It did that. If you choose not to be troubled by thins such as the fact that Hatsumomo is probably not that bad but a product of the society that molded her..... and other superficial "details" really.... then its a good movie.
Like I said. both good and bad. fifty fifty.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
eight out of ten
I resisted watching this movie because I knew it would be powerful and emotional and much too relevant to today's current middle east issue between Lebanon/Palestine/Israel. Well I believe that for this very reason it is so important to watch it. You may not agree with the viewpoint of the movie but its still an important film to watch to understand the perspective of both parties involved. Some say that the film is terribly biased. I believe the movie is perhaps biased in support of a state of Israel but as far as Israel's steps to react to the violence and their own acts of violence I feel the movie is extremely even handed and touches upon a lot of moral gray areas. Many criticize the film for not being completley accurate. For example, the death squad killers of Israel are shown to have a conscious when its argued by most experts that they were not particularly troubled by the murders they committed, instead they felt pride because they were doing what they did for their country. Okay, even if this is true, the effect of this guilty conscious helps create a starting point to debate and discuss the issues in the middle east. Most Americans are sadly unaware of the problems and have one sided views of the issue. This movie seeks to show both sides of the debate and wants to start a dialogue on what we think. For that purpose, this movie is extremely effective.
There is a particularly poignant scene in the film where Aver (the Israeli death squad guy) and Ali ( A Palestinian liberation army leader) have a candid conversation unaware of the other's religious convictions or views. Whats interesting is both discuss their home. Both discuss that they are willing do die defending their home. Both are talking about the same peice of land.
Powerful quotes in the movie stated about an event long ago but eerily speak about issues today:
Every civilization finds it necessary to negotiate compromises of its own values.
Forget peace for now. We have to show them we're strong <-- and this one is the most powerful of them all because I actually heard this same phrase from the movie depicting decades ago, used by an Israeli spokesperson to a news correspondent Monday morning. *sigh* There is no peace at the end of this.
I resisted watching this movie because I knew it would be powerful and emotional and much too relevant to today's current middle east issue between Lebanon/Palestine/Israel. Well I believe that for this very reason it is so important to watch it. You may not agree with the viewpoint of the movie but its still an important film to watch to understand the perspective of both parties involved. Some say that the film is terribly biased. I believe the movie is perhaps biased in support of a state of Israel but as far as Israel's steps to react to the violence and their own acts of violence I feel the movie is extremely even handed and touches upon a lot of moral gray areas. Many criticize the film for not being completley accurate. For example, the death squad killers of Israel are shown to have a conscious when its argued by most experts that they were not particularly troubled by the murders they committed, instead they felt pride because they were doing what they did for their country. Okay, even if this is true, the effect of this guilty conscious helps create a starting point to debate and discuss the issues in the middle east. Most Americans are sadly unaware of the problems and have one sided views of the issue. This movie seeks to show both sides of the debate and wants to start a dialogue on what we think. For that purpose, this movie is extremely effective.
There is a particularly poignant scene in the film where Aver (the Israeli death squad guy) and Ali ( A Palestinian liberation army leader) have a candid conversation unaware of the other's religious convictions or views. Whats interesting is both discuss their home. Both discuss that they are willing do die defending their home. Both are talking about the same peice of land.
Powerful quotes in the movie stated about an event long ago but eerily speak about issues today:
Every civilization finds it necessary to negotiate compromises of its own values.
Forget peace for now. We have to show them we're strong <-- and this one is the most powerful of them all because I actually heard this same phrase from the movie depicting decades ago, used by an Israeli spokesperson to a news correspondent Monday morning. *sigh* There is no peace at the end of this.
Somethings Gotta Give
eight point five out of ten
Sometimes its the movies you don't expect to even remotely like that you really end up loving. I'm a huge fan of the rare art of dialogue driven, character focused movies. Amanda Peet's character is dating a much older man who she brings to her mother's summer home. But mom was coming the same weekend. He winds up in the hospital due to stress and Amanda's mom winds up caring for him. What happens next you can probably imagine but the great thing about this movie is that because it is character/dialogue driven you are wrapped up in what they say and how their relationship progresses. It's a beautiful touching love story of an older couple finding a meaningful connection. I thoroughly enjoyed it and will probably watch it again.
Sometimes its the movies you don't expect to even remotely like that you really end up loving. I'm a huge fan of the rare art of dialogue driven, character focused movies. Amanda Peet's character is dating a much older man who she brings to her mother's summer home. But mom was coming the same weekend. He winds up in the hospital due to stress and Amanda's mom winds up caring for him. What happens next you can probably imagine but the great thing about this movie is that because it is character/dialogue driven you are wrapped up in what they say and how their relationship progresses. It's a beautiful touching love story of an older couple finding a meaningful connection. I thoroughly enjoyed it and will probably watch it again.
Must Love Dogs
three out of ten
Follow a newly divorced older lady who was left by her husband for a younger woman cope with life after marriage. Watch as her sweet but over involved family tries to set her up through a matchmaking website and laugh as she meets all sorts of zany and quirky characters until she meets.... *gasp* Mr. Right. And guess what? He loves dogs. Throw in a caveat of another potential love interest who is just Mr. Bad Guy and you got yourself an ultimate chick flick formula. Don't get me wrong- I love sappy chic flicks. I could sit and watch Sleepless in Seattle on repeat for at least four times but this movie just doesn't work. Poor Diane Lane, she is a great actress and there are scenes in this movie I swear she is thinking "I can't believe I couldnt get out of the contract to do this film. Must fire agent." Its a good effort that had much potential to be absolutely hilarious-- but somehow-- it falls flat.
Follow a newly divorced older lady who was left by her husband for a younger woman cope with life after marriage. Watch as her sweet but over involved family tries to set her up through a matchmaking website and laugh as she meets all sorts of zany and quirky characters until she meets.... *gasp* Mr. Right. And guess what? He loves dogs. Throw in a caveat of another potential love interest who is just Mr. Bad Guy and you got yourself an ultimate chick flick formula. Don't get me wrong- I love sappy chic flicks. I could sit and watch Sleepless in Seattle on repeat for at least four times but this movie just doesn't work. Poor Diane Lane, she is a great actress and there are scenes in this movie I swear she is thinking "I can't believe I couldnt get out of the contract to do this film. Must fire agent." Its a good effort that had much potential to be absolutely hilarious-- but somehow-- it falls flat.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
The Devil Wears Prada
nine out of ten
Now I told you many a month ago that devils do indeed come in all shapes, colors, and sizes, and that many a one does indeed sport Prada. At long last a movie to prove my point! Please note the Prada littered throughout.
Follow Andi, a sweet midwestern girl who is a very "fat" size six as she tries to make it as a writer in New York City. She winds up working for Miranda Priestly as a junior assistant in a job that a million girls would kill for (she is reminded this at every turn). Essentially this magazine is like Vogue and a year stint here guaruntees all the doors you want will be open upon year's end. The movie follows Andi as she struggles to please this boss and in the process we watch as she gains and loses many things.
I loved this movie because Meryl Streep knows how to act. This is her movie and she shines like the star she is. Actors can make or break a movie and it is thanks to her this movie was excellent. She is funny, she is mean, she can just make a look and freeze you in your tracks. She truly is a boss from hell but she is more than that thanks to Meryl Streep. Huda read the book and said that in the book the mean boss is a very one sided character. In this movie there is depth and layers to the mean boss and into the choices that Andi makes in the city. I like that because no one is just one or the other. Most of us are very complex. What I particularly liked was a line in the movie where someone said the obvious: If Miranda was a man she'd be seen as someone who gets things done. Because she's a woman she's seen as the dragon woman. If you watch the movie you sort of get that.
My only critique of the movie is that in some ways it glamorizes the fashion industry because its message is very subtle. Apparently from reviews, the books is a little more "let me bang the point over your head that this is a shallow industry" while the movie is not as obvious. Perhaps a young girl watching may miss the entire point? I hope not.
Now I told you many a month ago that devils do indeed come in all shapes, colors, and sizes, and that many a one does indeed sport Prada. At long last a movie to prove my point! Please note the Prada littered throughout.
Follow Andi, a sweet midwestern girl who is a very "fat" size six as she tries to make it as a writer in New York City. She winds up working for Miranda Priestly as a junior assistant in a job that a million girls would kill for (she is reminded this at every turn). Essentially this magazine is like Vogue and a year stint here guaruntees all the doors you want will be open upon year's end. The movie follows Andi as she struggles to please this boss and in the process we watch as she gains and loses many things.
I loved this movie because Meryl Streep knows how to act. This is her movie and she shines like the star she is. Actors can make or break a movie and it is thanks to her this movie was excellent. She is funny, she is mean, she can just make a look and freeze you in your tracks. She truly is a boss from hell but she is more than that thanks to Meryl Streep. Huda read the book and said that in the book the mean boss is a very one sided character. In this movie there is depth and layers to the mean boss and into the choices that Andi makes in the city. I like that because no one is just one or the other. Most of us are very complex. What I particularly liked was a line in the movie where someone said the obvious: If Miranda was a man she'd be seen as someone who gets things done. Because she's a woman she's seen as the dragon woman. If you watch the movie you sort of get that.
My only critique of the movie is that in some ways it glamorizes the fashion industry because its message is very subtle. Apparently from reviews, the books is a little more "let me bang the point over your head that this is a shallow industry" while the movie is not as obvious. Perhaps a young girl watching may miss the entire point? I hope not.
Da Vinci Code
one out of ten
This movie could simply be a victim of our own anticipation. Kashif and I had both read Davinci Code, we both love Tom Hanks who was starring in it and we just knew that this was going to the absolute bestest movie ever.
Yeah... not exactly.
The reason we thought this movie would rock is that the book was written practically like it was a script. Like Dan Brown just KNEW someone would be picking this baby up and turning it into a movie. It read well when you thought of it that way so we thought, how much better could it be doing what it was designed to do.
The problem is that the movie has a sense of urgency to it. As did the book.(for a summary click here) However in an effort to condense a fairly lengthy book into a two and a half hour movie they have urgency and thriller plot line paired with the introduction of controversial topics of whether Jesus was divine or not. This combination leads to absurd unbelievable scenes.
Sophie: They are framing you for murder!!!!! I will set a decoy and then we have FIVE minutes to escape, RUN RUN RUN.... oh wait let me say bye to grandfather and say "oh no" in a stoic manner for roughly two minutes because if I say it enough the audience will believe I am sad.
Tom: Hey I know I'm falsely accused of murder but let me look at this crumpled paper by his hand..... oh wow
Sophie: What is it? What is it?
Tom: Well this is the blankety blank theorum. It was originated in 1,000 BC...
Sophie: How terribly interesting! *as I lay before my passed grandfather who was murdered in cold blood and police sirens wail in the distance after us nevertheless in utter rapture because I have nothing better to do right now.
Tom: Oh yes, this may be a clue, let's stroll through the Louvre and see what we find
Sophie: Oh yippie like a scavenger hunt, please teach me about the paintings as we walk.
Folks is that realistic? Do people being chased for false murder charges who finally get a rare break out actually stop to discuss history and solve puzzles. Doesnt instinct take over to GET THE HECK OUT OF THERE? Sheesh. Truly befuddling.
I didn't think the book was terribly well written but it was a fun read with interesting new concepts. If it were me, read the book, save your money and precious time for now and check it out when its on rental.
This movie could simply be a victim of our own anticipation. Kashif and I had both read Davinci Code, we both love Tom Hanks who was starring in it and we just knew that this was going to the absolute bestest movie ever.
Yeah... not exactly.
The reason we thought this movie would rock is that the book was written practically like it was a script. Like Dan Brown just KNEW someone would be picking this baby up and turning it into a movie. It read well when you thought of it that way so we thought, how much better could it be doing what it was designed to do.
The problem is that the movie has a sense of urgency to it. As did the book.(for a summary click here) However in an effort to condense a fairly lengthy book into a two and a half hour movie they have urgency and thriller plot line paired with the introduction of controversial topics of whether Jesus was divine or not. This combination leads to absurd unbelievable scenes.
Sophie: They are framing you for murder!!!!! I will set a decoy and then we have FIVE minutes to escape, RUN RUN RUN.... oh wait let me say bye to grandfather and say "oh no" in a stoic manner for roughly two minutes because if I say it enough the audience will believe I am sad.
Tom: Hey I know I'm falsely accused of murder but let me look at this crumpled paper by his hand..... oh wow
Sophie: What is it? What is it?
Tom: Well this is the blankety blank theorum. It was originated in 1,000 BC...
Sophie: How terribly interesting! *as I lay before my passed grandfather who was murdered in cold blood and police sirens wail in the distance after us nevertheless in utter rapture because I have nothing better to do right now.
Tom: Oh yes, this may be a clue, let's stroll through the Louvre and see what we find
Sophie: Oh yippie like a scavenger hunt, please teach me about the paintings as we walk.
Folks is that realistic? Do people being chased for false murder charges who finally get a rare break out actually stop to discuss history and solve puzzles. Doesnt instinct take over to GET THE HECK OUT OF THERE? Sheesh. Truly befuddling.
I didn't think the book was terribly well written but it was a fun read with interesting new concepts. If it were me, read the book, save your money and precious time for now and check it out when its on rental.
The Family Stone
three out of ten
It is very rare for me to watch a movie and actually feel my stomach hurt with the degre with which I loathed it. Well in that regard Family Stone is... special.
The movie begins as we watch Everett the eldest of a large stereotypically happy and connected but misfit family drive into town to spend Christmas with his family. She is uptight. She wears her hair in a bun and only wears black and does not smile. Seriously, typecasting? The family is loud and obnoxious and instantly dislikes her particularly Everett's sister Amy who truly loathes her and sets out to make her feel more uncomfortable and awkward than she already does. In the background Everett is trying to get his mother's permission to use the family diamond to give to his uptight girlfriend because he wants to marry her. They are not right for each other and we all see it but him. That is until things get really bad and she invites her sister to come. Then the equally typecast happy relaxed (and I'm not sure she's supposed to be, but totally indifferent) sister comes in to handle things and the story takes off.
The reason this movie even gets a three out of ten as opposed to a 0 out of ten is because Diane Keaten and the man who played her husband are good actors and had a few fantastic scenes together. There is a scene in the movie when they are discussing her illness that you really get choked up. This is saying a lot considering I hate the movie but the scene did manage to catch me off guard.
***caution: spoilers***
The storyline of Sarah Jess Parker and the brother of Everett? WHAT? Are you kidding me? They had no chemistry. And why is that its alcohol that turns her around and opens up her heart? And its completely unbelievable they ended up in a committed relationship. He (the little brother) did a good job acting like he cared for her but she really could not act to save her life in this movie.
The scene of two years later and they show Claire Danes (the sister) and Everett totally hooked up and in a close relationship? Gag me. they did not develop their connection enough for this to believable.
It is very rare for me to watch a movie and actually feel my stomach hurt with the degre with which I loathed it. Well in that regard Family Stone is... special.
The movie begins as we watch Everett the eldest of a large stereotypically happy and connected but misfit family drive into town to spend Christmas with his family. She is uptight. She wears her hair in a bun and only wears black and does not smile. Seriously, typecasting? The family is loud and obnoxious and instantly dislikes her particularly Everett's sister Amy who truly loathes her and sets out to make her feel more uncomfortable and awkward than she already does. In the background Everett is trying to get his mother's permission to use the family diamond to give to his uptight girlfriend because he wants to marry her. They are not right for each other and we all see it but him. That is until things get really bad and she invites her sister to come. Then the equally typecast happy relaxed (and I'm not sure she's supposed to be, but totally indifferent) sister comes in to handle things and the story takes off.
The reason this movie even gets a three out of ten as opposed to a 0 out of ten is because Diane Keaten and the man who played her husband are good actors and had a few fantastic scenes together. There is a scene in the movie when they are discussing her illness that you really get choked up. This is saying a lot considering I hate the movie but the scene did manage to catch me off guard.
***caution: spoilers***
The storyline of Sarah Jess Parker and the brother of Everett? WHAT? Are you kidding me? They had no chemistry. And why is that its alcohol that turns her around and opens up her heart? And its completely unbelievable they ended up in a committed relationship. He (the little brother) did a good job acting like he cared for her but she really could not act to save her life in this movie.
The scene of two years later and they show Claire Danes (the sister) and Everett totally hooked up and in a close relationship? Gag me. they did not develop their connection enough for this to believable.
City of God
nine out of ten
I watched City of God twice. Once many years ago when visiting Brasil was not even remotely on the radar, and then last week after actually having seen the favela (shanty town) that the movie was filmed it and better understanding the darker side of Rio.
The movie is set in one of the worst favelas in Rio where the poor were carted off to around the 1970's to "pretty up" Rio and make it a better tourist destination. What happens when you decide to raze down the homes of hundreds of thousands of extremely impoverished and uneducated people and cart them off to nowhere and leave them to be? You get ignorance, depression, drugs and violence. This is what City of God explores in this fabulous film.
The City of God (based on a true story) follows a young boy "Rocket" who doesnt want the life he has but as the movie shows so effectively, finds nearly impossible to escape. How can you live in a city where the only way to earn money, the only way to not get killed is to be violent yourself? Rocket fights it and fights it. His parents were hardworking yet their oldest son was lured away to crime. He himself didn't want such a life for himself but found himself many times flirting with entering the life of a criminal.
The movie follows not only Rocket who flirts with crime but never truly converts over, but it also follows a man who does cross over. Knockout Ned. The movie shows him start off as a good family man who is trying to make ends meet and do things the right way. The movie ends with him a changed man. A violent criminal. The movie is great because you completely understand why became that way, infact you can't imagine how he could have become anything else. Watch the movie and I wonder if you can say for sure you would not have ended up doing exactly what Ned would have done.
The movie left me weak as it truly exposed how hard it is to escape the slums of Rio. Yes perhaps a few here or there, but for the most part, for 99.5 percent of the population of Rio's slums this is all they have to look forward to. And this is what the movie reveals so poignantly for me.
I watched City of God twice. Once many years ago when visiting Brasil was not even remotely on the radar, and then last week after actually having seen the favela (shanty town) that the movie was filmed it and better understanding the darker side of Rio.
The movie is set in one of the worst favelas in Rio where the poor were carted off to around the 1970's to "pretty up" Rio and make it a better tourist destination. What happens when you decide to raze down the homes of hundreds of thousands of extremely impoverished and uneducated people and cart them off to nowhere and leave them to be? You get ignorance, depression, drugs and violence. This is what City of God explores in this fabulous film.
The City of God (based on a true story) follows a young boy "Rocket" who doesnt want the life he has but as the movie shows so effectively, finds nearly impossible to escape. How can you live in a city where the only way to earn money, the only way to not get killed is to be violent yourself? Rocket fights it and fights it. His parents were hardworking yet their oldest son was lured away to crime. He himself didn't want such a life for himself but found himself many times flirting with entering the life of a criminal.
The movie follows not only Rocket who flirts with crime but never truly converts over, but it also follows a man who does cross over. Knockout Ned. The movie shows him start off as a good family man who is trying to make ends meet and do things the right way. The movie ends with him a changed man. A violent criminal. The movie is great because you completely understand why became that way, infact you can't imagine how he could have become anything else. Watch the movie and I wonder if you can say for sure you would not have ended up doing exactly what Ned would have done.
The movie left me weak as it truly exposed how hard it is to escape the slums of Rio. Yes perhaps a few here or there, but for the most part, for 99.5 percent of the population of Rio's slums this is all they have to look forward to. And this is what the movie reveals so poignantly for me.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Mission Impossible Three
six out of ten
Agent Aisha your mission if you choose to accept it is: stay awake in MI3 from start to finish. Your eyelids will fall down in five seconds.
Ok. I dont like action flicks and this one had no other plot but to show you action stunts. I rate it six out of ten because the stunts were cool and I heard Tommie actually performed them himself which is really impressive. But really, would a little substance hurt? I mean to highlight the lack of plot Tommie at the end asks Luter "what's in that thing" The thing being what he spent the entire film trying to find and rescue. Yeah. Doesnt even know whats in it. And ofcourse Luther dont share. *yawn*
Agent Aisha your mission if you choose to accept it is: stay awake in MI3 from start to finish. Your eyelids will fall down in five seconds.
Ok. I dont like action flicks and this one had no other plot but to show you action stunts. I rate it six out of ten because the stunts were cool and I heard Tommie actually performed them himself which is really impressive. But really, would a little substance hurt? I mean to highlight the lack of plot Tommie at the end asks Luter "what's in that thing" The thing being what he spent the entire film trying to find and rescue. Yeah. Doesnt even know whats in it. And ofcourse Luther dont share. *yawn*
The Constant Gardener
seven point five out of ten
I liked this movie. I liked it because of its message. It had an important message on the illicit drug testing practices of pharm countries in Africa. They test the side effects of drugs later to be sold in the first world countries at the expense of those who are the poorest and most defenseless. This was a good movie to highlight the power of these money making giants and really makes you look at the "warnings" at the end of drug commercials with a new look. In addition to having a message it is a good "on the edge of your seat" thriller. At least I was at the edge of my seat. I reccomend it but with one warning to be prepared for. It's not well edited. It could have been shorter. So if at times you feel a little sleepy you're not alone. Get past those (or fwd those when they're endless) and you'll like the movie. Promise. I think!
I liked this movie. I liked it because of its message. It had an important message on the illicit drug testing practices of pharm countries in Africa. They test the side effects of drugs later to be sold in the first world countries at the expense of those who are the poorest and most defenseless. This was a good movie to highlight the power of these money making giants and really makes you look at the "warnings" at the end of drug commercials with a new look. In addition to having a message it is a good "on the edge of your seat" thriller. At least I was at the edge of my seat. I reccomend it but with one warning to be prepared for. It's not well edited. It could have been shorter. So if at times you feel a little sleepy you're not alone. Get past those (or fwd those when they're endless) and you'll like the movie. Promise. I think!
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Pride and Prejiduce- the Cliff Notes Version
four out of ten
It seems all the movies I avidly awaited are one by one disappointing. Last night I watched Pride and Prejudice featuring Keira Knightley. I expected good things since I a) Loved the book b) Loved the BBC Version c) and heard raving reviews. I was terribly disappointed. I understood they'd be edited parts from the book since its only a 2 hour film but I felt I was watching it in fast forward. Everyone seemed to be acting. In the BBC Version I felt Colin Firth was Mr. Darcy, and Lizzie was truly Lizzie but here I was watching a period peice. I knew they were acting, they knew they were acting. She was ridiculously young to play Lizzie whose supposed to be around 26-28... Kate Winslet would have blown her out of the water and the only reason I can presume they picked Keira was her star power to bring in the big bucks in the box office. Perhaps I'm watching this as miniexpert on the book but I felt if someone came in with no background knowledge of the movie they'd be pretty puzzled by what was going on. All in all, way overhyped. If you want to watch a good Pride and Prejduice movie, invest 6 hours and watch the BBC version.
It seems all the movies I avidly awaited are one by one disappointing. Last night I watched Pride and Prejudice featuring Keira Knightley. I expected good things since I a) Loved the book b) Loved the BBC Version c) and heard raving reviews. I was terribly disappointed. I understood they'd be edited parts from the book since its only a 2 hour film but I felt I was watching it in fast forward. Everyone seemed to be acting. In the BBC Version I felt Colin Firth was Mr. Darcy, and Lizzie was truly Lizzie but here I was watching a period peice. I knew they were acting, they knew they were acting. She was ridiculously young to play Lizzie whose supposed to be around 26-28... Kate Winslet would have blown her out of the water and the only reason I can presume they picked Keira was her star power to bring in the big bucks in the box office. Perhaps I'm watching this as miniexpert on the book but I felt if someone came in with no background knowledge of the movie they'd be pretty puzzled by what was going on. All in all, way overhyped. If you want to watch a good Pride and Prejduice movie, invest 6 hours and watch the BBC version.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Brokeback Mountain
I dont know what to rate this...
I dont know if a summary is necessary for this movie since if you haven't heard of it, it can only mean you live under a rock, and if you perchance live under one, odds are you arent reading this anyhow :). I was very eager for this movie to come out on DVD and I ordered it from netflix as soon as it was available. I am not sure what I was expecting. The acting was great but there was so much I didnt understand.
Did Jack die of a flat tire or was he beaten to death for being gay? I know that Ennis said he saw a gay man laying dead on the road as a child so I wasn't sure if Ennis was just having a flashback of what he feared happened, or if it really happened?
Did Jack's parents know he was gay and accept it?
The ending just didnt give me closure, and the way they got together didn't give me a full fledged belief in it. I guess I thought they'd develop an emotional closeness that would lead ot other things, not the other way around.
Why did his wife say nothing when she saw her husband cheating on her? Why was she silent all those years, even after the divorce?
The movie ended with me feeling sort of incomplete. There was a lot more I didn't get to understand I guess.
I dont know if a summary is necessary for this movie since if you haven't heard of it, it can only mean you live under a rock, and if you perchance live under one, odds are you arent reading this anyhow :). I was very eager for this movie to come out on DVD and I ordered it from netflix as soon as it was available. I am not sure what I was expecting. The acting was great but there was so much I didnt understand.
Did Jack die of a flat tire or was he beaten to death for being gay? I know that Ennis said he saw a gay man laying dead on the road as a child so I wasn't sure if Ennis was just having a flashback of what he feared happened, or if it really happened?
Did Jack's parents know he was gay and accept it?
The ending just didnt give me closure, and the way they got together didn't give me a full fledged belief in it. I guess I thought they'd develop an emotional closeness that would lead ot other things, not the other way around.
Why did his wife say nothing when she saw her husband cheating on her? Why was she silent all those years, even after the divorce?
The movie ended with me feeling sort of incomplete. There was a lot more I didn't get to understand I guess.
Just Friends
four out of ten
Okay I thought the beginning was funny with the guy from "Two guys a girl and a pizza kitchen" in a fat suit, and I thought it was great that he ended up makign it big in hollywood, and yes there were some funny scenes. But it was dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. If you want a cheap giggle and some slapstick watch it. Personally- I'd wait till it came on TBS on a Saturday afternon when its raining and there is absolutely nothing else you could be doing instead.
Okay I thought the beginning was funny with the guy from "Two guys a girl and a pizza kitchen" in a fat suit, and I thought it was great that he ended up makign it big in hollywood, and yes there were some funny scenes. But it was dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. If you want a cheap giggle and some slapstick watch it. Personally- I'd wait till it came on TBS on a Saturday afternon when its raining and there is absolutely nothing else you could be doing instead.
Paradise Now
ten out of ten
This movie has an almost documentary feel. It follows two boys who work at an auto shop and go about their day. One of the boys is starting to like a worldly traveled daughter of a "martyr" who is back in Palestine to live. Despite the fact that they do not appear especially angry, political, or even religious in the film, when they are called to become suicide bombers they accept it with the casualness of agreeing to cover someone else's shift at work. Perhaps even more so. One boy asks if his picture will be displayed on the streets like a hero's. In the middle of his dramatic "martyr film" send off, he interrupts his solemn patriotic pledge with a shopping reminder for his mother. It shows clearly that they are they are simply that, they are boys.
I liked the editing of the film because it kept going without one checking the watch. I liked Suha's character who pointed out the error in their logic. She was born and raised in a more western culture and she tries to affect these boys and their thought process.
It's a good movie but its sad. Very sad because it portrays a real life situation. Can't help but think of Steve Earle's song, I believe that one fine day all the children of Abraham will lay down their swords in peace in Jerusalem. Looking at the world today I dont know if I believe that will ever happen... but I pray for it anyways.
This movie has an almost documentary feel. It follows two boys who work at an auto shop and go about their day. One of the boys is starting to like a worldly traveled daughter of a "martyr" who is back in Palestine to live. Despite the fact that they do not appear especially angry, political, or even religious in the film, when they are called to become suicide bombers they accept it with the casualness of agreeing to cover someone else's shift at work. Perhaps even more so. One boy asks if his picture will be displayed on the streets like a hero's. In the middle of his dramatic "martyr film" send off, he interrupts his solemn patriotic pledge with a shopping reminder for his mother. It shows clearly that they are they are simply that, they are boys.
I liked the editing of the film because it kept going without one checking the watch. I liked Suha's character who pointed out the error in their logic. She was born and raised in a more western culture and she tries to affect these boys and their thought process.
It's a good movie but its sad. Very sad because it portrays a real life situation. Can't help but think of Steve Earle's song, I believe that one fine day all the children of Abraham will lay down their swords in peace in Jerusalem. Looking at the world today I dont know if I believe that will ever happen... but I pray for it anyways.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
A History of Violence
nine out of ten
A movie about violence and all the different ways we experience it...
If I were to judge the greatness of a movie by how it leaves me thinking of the story or its characters this movie is one of the best movies of the year.
warning: spoilers throughout
A movie about violence and all the different ways we experience it...
If I were to judge the greatness of a movie by how it leaves me thinking of the story or its characters this movie is one of the best movies of the year.
warning: spoilers throughout
I had no idea what this movie was about going into it and I think that is the best way to watch it so you can keep guessing to what is going on. The way the movie is directed if you watch it without knowing that Tom is Joey you see and feel the confusion of Edie his wife along with her. If you know that Tom truly is Joey there is a different perspective to the movie. My opinion is watching it first from her eyes is special because the confusion can only happen once, the second time around knowing what you know you see the Joey perspective.
This is a mob movie but not like the typical mob movie. This is a character driven rather than plot driven movie about a man who was born into the mob and did some nasty things in his day but chose to escape, change his identity and build a quiet life filled with simple pleasures and a family. "Tom" who once was "Joey" has lived his second life as long as he lived his first and life was going fine until he had the misfortune of having two evil men come into his store who, despite Tom urging them to take his money, and all efforts at peace, refused to listen. In that moment Tom does some instinctual maneuvering thanks to the "Joey" he once was and kills both would be murderers. His hero status catapults his picture onto the front page of newspapers bringing attention to his former mobsters in Philly, his former haunt who decide to come resolve unfinished business. That's when the movie gets interesting and the characters blossom.
You see the pull between Tom and his son Jack. With Jack you see his son who was raised by peaceful Tom but who still has his father's "Joey" inside of him. His son I feel represented what Joey/Tom would have been had he been born into a different family. I found the father-son connection fascinating as you saw what a peace loving child Jack was but how he had a violent side inside of him.... his father was the opposite a man who grew up in violence but was a peaceful man in his heart of hearts.
The scene between the two brothers is also powerful. If you watch it, on the dvd the director does some commentary there that sheds a great deal of depth to the scene when they sit across from one another and talk.
Things I didnt like:
The ending I felt could have been better I felt it just ENDED with no resolution.
The little girl Sarah could not act to save her life! She killed any scene she was in.
That's about it! The movie was great and I recommend it.
This is a mob movie but not like the typical mob movie. This is a character driven rather than plot driven movie about a man who was born into the mob and did some nasty things in his day but chose to escape, change his identity and build a quiet life filled with simple pleasures and a family. "Tom" who once was "Joey" has lived his second life as long as he lived his first and life was going fine until he had the misfortune of having two evil men come into his store who, despite Tom urging them to take his money, and all efforts at peace, refused to listen. In that moment Tom does some instinctual maneuvering thanks to the "Joey" he once was and kills both would be murderers. His hero status catapults his picture onto the front page of newspapers bringing attention to his former mobsters in Philly, his former haunt who decide to come resolve unfinished business. That's when the movie gets interesting and the characters blossom.
You see the pull between Tom and his son Jack. With Jack you see his son who was raised by peaceful Tom but who still has his father's "Joey" inside of him. His son I feel represented what Joey/Tom would have been had he been born into a different family. I found the father-son connection fascinating as you saw what a peace loving child Jack was but how he had a violent side inside of him.... his father was the opposite a man who grew up in violence but was a peaceful man in his heart of hearts.
The scene between the two brothers is also powerful. If you watch it, on the dvd the director does some commentary there that sheds a great deal of depth to the scene when they sit across from one another and talk.
Things I didnt like:
The ending I felt could have been better I felt it just ENDED with no resolution.
The little girl Sarah could not act to save her life! She killed any scene she was in.
That's about it! The movie was great and I recommend it.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Hustle & Flow- art within art
nine out of ten
Wow. I just finished this movie. Very powerful. The story revolves around a pimp who is looking at his life and wondering where its going. Happenstance leads him to an old middle school friend who could help him record music. In their ghetto they build a makeshift studio and begin recording on a hope that "Skinny Black" a now famous rapper from their hood who returns every year to a particular bar on the fourth of july might listen to his demo tape. Every single hope of this man and his "family" (so to speak) rides upon this hope. This one shot in the dark.
I love movies with depth and character development. Where not everything is all black and white. The movie was about art, and how art can transport you out of your circumstances and give you hope and joy. And on another level I saw some amazing actors showing how beautiful an art acting itself can be.
What was different about this movie that I havent seen in a long time is that it spoke to me. A movie about a hopeful criminal rapper in the hood spoke directly to me and my life which is so different from his. I have dreams too. For me they are as shot in the dark like him. It's hard to realize dreams. Today I was talking to my brother and it hit me, so many people go into law or medicine or X, Y, Z because they can't think of something else they'd rather be doing. I have a few dreams that I have cradled in my heart like DJay but I'm scared like him to make it work, because the odds seem so against you. This movie is inspiring because though a shot at success is not guarunteed for you, on the flip side, a guaruntee of staying on the bottom is not guarunteed either.
I heard a lot of discussion about the fact that the theme song for this movie "Hard out here for a pimp" won an Oscar and how ironic it was that upon the acceptance of the song they said "Thank you Jesus." Thank you Jesus for accepting a song about how difficult life is for a pimp everyone said shaking their heads.... Then I saw the movie and I understood.
"Some people just talk the talk. Others, they walk the walk. Every now and then you'll find someone who walks the walk, and can talk the talk too." - Hustle & Flow
Wow. I just finished this movie. Very powerful. The story revolves around a pimp who is looking at his life and wondering where its going. Happenstance leads him to an old middle school friend who could help him record music. In their ghetto they build a makeshift studio and begin recording on a hope that "Skinny Black" a now famous rapper from their hood who returns every year to a particular bar on the fourth of july might listen to his demo tape. Every single hope of this man and his "family" (so to speak) rides upon this hope. This one shot in the dark.
I love movies with depth and character development. Where not everything is all black and white. The movie was about art, and how art can transport you out of your circumstances and give you hope and joy. And on another level I saw some amazing actors showing how beautiful an art acting itself can be.
What was different about this movie that I havent seen in a long time is that it spoke to me. A movie about a hopeful criminal rapper in the hood spoke directly to me and my life which is so different from his. I have dreams too. For me they are as shot in the dark like him. It's hard to realize dreams. Today I was talking to my brother and it hit me, so many people go into law or medicine or X, Y, Z because they can't think of something else they'd rather be doing. I have a few dreams that I have cradled in my heart like DJay but I'm scared like him to make it work, because the odds seem so against you. This movie is inspiring because though a shot at success is not guarunteed for you, on the flip side, a guaruntee of staying on the bottom is not guarunteed either.
I heard a lot of discussion about the fact that the theme song for this movie "Hard out here for a pimp" won an Oscar and how ironic it was that upon the acceptance of the song they said "Thank you Jesus." Thank you Jesus for accepting a song about how difficult life is for a pimp everyone said shaking their heads.... Then I saw the movie and I understood.
"Some people just talk the talk. Others, they walk the walk. Every now and then you'll find someone who walks the walk, and can talk the talk too." - Hustle & Flow
Monday, March 20, 2006
Dave Chappell's Block Party
8 out of 10
If you love hip hop you will love this movie. Well it's not really a movie, its a documentary that follows Dave Chappell as he wanders through Ohio and New York recruiting people to attend a block party he is hosting with great artists like Eykah Badu, Mos Def, Dead Prez, Roots, Jill Smith, and the FUGEES. YES! The Fugees. The fugees reunite in this movie and sing "Killing me softly" Just that moment of watching them all up on stage together with Lauryn Hill's soulful performance is worth every penny of the movie ticket. The hip hop is powerful and you walk out of the theatre feeling like you went to a block part yourself!
My recomendation is if you love hip hop shell out the bucks and watch this in theatres where you get the best sound to listen to the fabulous music of amazing artists.
If you love hip hop you will love this movie. Well it's not really a movie, its a documentary that follows Dave Chappell as he wanders through Ohio and New York recruiting people to attend a block party he is hosting with great artists like Eykah Badu, Mos Def, Dead Prez, Roots, Jill Smith, and the FUGEES. YES! The Fugees. The fugees reunite in this movie and sing "Killing me softly" Just that moment of watching them all up on stage together with Lauryn Hill's soulful performance is worth every penny of the movie ticket. The hip hop is powerful and you walk out of the theatre feeling like you went to a block part yourself!
My recomendation is if you love hip hop shell out the bucks and watch this in theatres where you get the best sound to listen to the fabulous music of amazing artists.
16 Blocks
Six out of ten
This movie centers around a stagnant cop (Bruce Willis) whose told to pick up an inmate (Mos Def) to take him to the courthouse to testify at a Grand Jury trial where many crooked cops will be named. The trip to the courthouse is deterred 16 blocks short by said crooked cops and the movie centers around Bruce Willis determined to take him to the courthouse.
***warning- spoiler alert****
The movie was interesting, very very suspensful but I felt the writer/director/SOMEBODY took a few too many liberties with the movie with "easy out" shortcuts. For example, the bus scene where its Mos Def and Willis in the bus and they're careening through the city. How did they get the bus "just so" coincidentally right behind the court house considering they didnt choose for it to end up there. The police shot the tires and it ended up sliding there on flats. Very implausible. Another example was the ambulance scene. One minute they're in the ambulance, the next minute they're in a totally different ambulance. I thought I missed something but when I read Roger Ebert's review he found the same issue.
It's no secret, I adore Mos Def. I think he's adorable and funny and he's a fabulous hip hop artist. But I was ready to kill him in this movie. I don't blame him at all but the director or SOMEBODY decided not only would he have a highly nasal voice in the movie they'd have him talk continously throughout the entire movie. I kid you not. Again love Mos Def but this movie was proof that too much of a good thing can be bad.

***warning- spoiler alert****
The movie was interesting, very very suspensful but I felt the writer/director/SOMEBODY took a few too many liberties with the movie with "easy out" shortcuts. For example, the bus scene where its Mos Def and Willis in the bus and they're careening through the city. How did they get the bus "just so" coincidentally right behind the court house considering they didnt choose for it to end up there. The police shot the tires and it ended up sliding there on flats. Very implausible. Another example was the ambulance scene. One minute they're in the ambulance, the next minute they're in a totally different ambulance. I thought I missed something but when I read Roger Ebert's review he found the same issue.
It's no secret, I adore Mos Def. I think he's adorable and funny and he's a fabulous hip hop artist. But I was ready to kill him in this movie. I don't blame him at all but the director or SOMEBODY decided not only would he have a highly nasal voice in the movie they'd have him talk continously throughout the entire movie. I kid you not. Again love Mos Def but this movie was proof that too much of a good thing can be bad.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Movies from my rotten tomatoes website
I thought I'd combine the movies I wrote about from this site, to here. Enjoy!
Monday, April 11, 2005
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Monday, April 11, 2005
| Terminal
Basic story plotline, a man from a fictional land gets stranded at the JFK airport for about 9 months where he befriends the staff, learns English, pisses the airport comission chief off, and eventually has a happily ever after tale.... The idea of the story is very good particulary since its the story based on a real life situation Merhan Karimi Nasseri whoendured living in the Charles De Gualle Paris airport for ten years because he had no choice, and now over 20 years later still endures because he knows nothing else at this point... Unlike Tom Hank's character, Nasserri has slowly gone from a psychologist to crossing the brink of insanity as he sits in the airport for over 20 years... I guess this story is Merhan Nasseri's "daydreams-coming-true" movie. Things happen that can only happen in fantasy land such as the entry guard gets an engagement ring from a man she doesnt know and they run off (this guy she doesnt know) to the airport chapel and get married, and somehow she has a wedding dress on hand and they run through the terminal in an airport cart. It's these sorts of utter rifts with reality that really hurt the movie for me. 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | 07:53 PM |
| Office Space
This movie ROCKS. It's the type of movie you buy so you can watch certain scenes over and over again because those jokes will never get old. Very Very Very Funny! 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | 04:34 PM |
| Spanglish
For the record, if perhaps Tea Leoni had not played Adam Sandler's wife I would give this movie at least an 8, but she was so terrible, it was enough to drop it a point.... It's usually the movies with no expectations that I typically end up liking the most, this movie was no exception. I loved it enough to forgive it its faults. The movie centers around two families whose lives converge. One, a Mexican single mother who speaks no English and her young daughter whom she lives for, The other a complete little family with mom, dad, a boy and a girl and a grandmother who all live for themselves. Their lives converge and the drama unfolds. The movie deals with temptation, childhood and adult insecurity. But most particulary the movie discusses how different cultures view child rearing particularly the pull of assimilation versus the desire to keep your child true to their culture.. Perhaps because I'm a minority this particular story line affected me more than it may others. I also liked the story line dealing with infidelity. I dont know how else to describe it except that its probably something many people deal with, and so it was very touching, very real. I may be wrong because (alhamdullilah) I havent dealt with this, but the motives and the choices all seemed very realistic. All in all, worth a rent! 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink | 03:22 PM |
Thursday, April 07, 2005
| Sideways
I was pretty excited about Sideways since it looked like "The little Indie Flick that Could" becaues it got itself nominated for five Academy Awards. Plus I adore character driven movies. Now yes, I'll give you this: 1. The last thirty minutes were WONDERFUL. Particularly the part at the wedding and saw Victoria and found out she was pregnant. He displayed such good emotions that I was moved.... so can't balme the acting. 2. The analogies of him to a Pino Wine was very nice and tender. 1. SLOW SLOW SLOW 2. I didn't feel for the playboy character. When he burst into tears cuz he couldnt lose Kristen, I kept thinking, HOW did he get nominated for best supporting actor/actor? 3. And once again SLOW SLOW SLOW... how much wine sipping can one take? Monday, April 04, 2005
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Thursday, March 31, 2005
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